Melibe Productions is a small documentary film production company which seeks to capture, through images and narratives, insights rarely accessible to casual observation. Initially, our work focused on the underwater world. (see Convulsion and Nocturne on this site). We have since turned our lenses towards matters bearing directly on the human condition:
-Things Fall Apart, describes the impact of climate-induced shrinking of ocean ice upon the native population of a tiny Inupiat village in the Arctic Circle.
-Waking Up Alive, probes the issues of suicide and commitment to life under conditions of painful mental depression.
-Departing: Death and the Art of Dying, Discusses the ways in which we approach death, our only existential certainty.
-Disconnected, asks how human understanding and empathy are affected by digital communications (email, texting, Facebook messaging...), which are now the dominant way many now talk to each other.
-Its Beautiful Analyzes the ways in which we create and experience beauty. This encompasses beauty perceived through the senses--specifically in the form of the visual arts and music, it includes beautiful ideas (as in some of the equations of theoretical physics and pure mathematics), it also covers notions of spiritual and divine beauty (a beauty that permeates the whole being) .
-Conversations With the Past, looks at American cities, towns and settlements that its people have since forsaken. It does so with two ends in mind: (1) for the pleasure of communing with our past, and (2) for the lessons we may draw for our present communities and future ghost towns.
-Homeless in America, More than half a million Americans are homeless; this film examines the causes of their predicament and the ways in which they seek to manage life on the streets.
Our website furnishes, via photos, clips, and trailers a glimpse of the stories and visual experiences that our films seek to convey.
For more information contact Miko and Donna Nincic at